Enjoy Albuquerque and The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
There are many places that you can go to when you visit Albuquerque, New Mexico. This is because it place is simply a haven for adventurers and fiestas that you will truly enjoy if you wish to go on a trip with family and friends it can help when you already have an idea of the places you want to go and the activities that you want to enjoy.
Unique Places You Can Visit While You’re In Albuquerque:
Visit Sandia Mountains
If you’re ever in Albuquerque it is a must that you go to the Sandia Mountains, this is because the city is at the base of the mountains and you can clearly see a wonderful and picturesque image of the mountains from the city as you can already tell where the east is. Albuquerque is situated at the slope which then stretches towards the desert floor. You can enjoy watching how the weather changes at the top of Sandia to pass time. It’s also a great activity to do while you simply sit back and relax with your family and loved ones.
Check out Route 66
This is also known as America’s highway and is one of the most iconic things that you can find in Albuquerque and it’s downtown scenery. If you love taking pictures then this is definitely the best place that you can go. You can find amazing landscape photo opportunities as well as unique looking old motels that are great subjects for photography. It’s not the glitz and glamour that you can find in the cities but its uniqueness is what makes it stand above everything else. Take a drive to see what you can shoot in your camera and you can also keep them as great souvenirs of your trip.
Try the chili sauce
Chili sauce is a favorite among the people of Albuquerque which is why if you have a chance you should definitely try it out. There are many restaurants that would ask you what your preference of the chili sauce is and if you want to spice it up, you can always bring the spiciness up a notch. Everything has chili sauce and you can find cheeseburgers and also enchiladas all bathed in chili sauce. It’s a great way to try another type of cuisine when you are in Albuquerque and it can give you good and funny memories too.
Try out the casinos
There are very large Indian reservations around Albuquerque and there have been a lot of casinos that are built around it. You can find the Sandia Casino and Resort that offers you a lot of “live” and also digital gaming. You can also find touring shows as well as a quaint rooftop bar. It also includes an impressive golf course where you can play on. On the south side of the city is the Isleta Casino which works in partnership with Hard Rock. They give tourists and visitors a wonderful hotel experience as well as gives you a casino experience as well.
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta
When you go to the Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, you can truly expect something fun and exciting. This is a place where enthusiasts from all over the world showcase their skills and talent in displaying and flying wonderful looking hot air balloons. You can even find a world class a balloon museum in the city that is fairly near to the hot air balloon grounds. It’s open for the entire year and is a fun place to go for everyone. You can even buy balloon themed souvenirs since Albuquerque is well known to be the place to be for balloon enthusiasts.
The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta is simply pegged as the largest balloon fiesta in the world. What’s more impressive is that it is also the most photographed type of event ever on earth. This is why if you love taking picturesque moments together with hundreds and even thousands of hot air balloons that are floating in the air, then you will surely enjoy yourself if you join the fiesta. It is usually held every October and starts early on of that month and lasts for about nine days. However, the date can also change every year which is why you would need to constantly check if you wish to attend the event.
Albuquerque is surely an exciting place to be. If you have not gone there yet then you should put it on your bucket list. It’s a good location to visit if you’re looking for an out of town place that is fun and easy to go to.